AI Blitz X: Completed #educational #blitz

Problem Statements

Docking ISS

Can you dock a spacecraft to ISS ?

Tree Segmentation

Segmenting trees from an aerial images

Starship Detection

Can you detect Starship with unsupervised data ?

Iceberg Detection

Can you detect Icebergs in low visibility ?

Clouds Removal

Can you remove clouds from an high altitude videos ?


Checkout our latest Blitz βš‘   Welcome to AI Blitz X! πŸš€

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πŸ•΅οΈ Introduction

AI Blitz is turning 10! Blitz X is here!

AI Blitz started as a beginner-friendly challenge to help AI enthusiasts across the world learn new skills by solving real-world problems. Since our first Blitz, we have delivered on our promise of hosting a 21 day long AI challenge with five fun puzzles and exciting price money.

If you’ve been wanting to learn and hone your ML skills, Blitz is designed for you. With our easy-to-understand stater-kit, you can make your first submission in less than 10 minutes!

In past nine AI Blitz, we have seen over 2600 participants make more than 14500 submissions across several countries. Top winners have won more than 4000+ USD from the cash prize pool! We want to thank you for your continued support and active participation. We hope to make AI Blitz a wonderful experience for you.

In this edition of AI Blitz, we are going back to our roots and bringing you a collection of wacky Computer Vision puzzles! We wanted to guide your AI learnings in a structured way therefore, we have arranged all five Blitz puzzles in ascending order of complexity. Are you ready to Blitz it?

Pssst … we have recently launched a beginner-friendly blog that will help you solve Computer Vision problems. Click here to read it



  • Start Time: 21th July 2021 | 11:30 AM UTC
  • End Time: 11th August 2021 | 11:30 AM UTC
  • Duration: 21 days/3 weeks


  • Each problem has an associated weight. This weight denotes the problem’s contribution to your final score.
  • The final leaderboard is calculated by the weighted mean of your rank across all the problems in the contest. If a problem is not attempted by the participant, his/her rank in that problem is denoted by the total number of participants in the whole challenge.
  • To help you "Get Started" we have a starter kit available for each of these problems. We hope they are helpful; if you find any bugs, typos, or improvements, please send us a pull request.
  • In case you have any queries, please reach out to us via the Discussion Forums.

πŸ† Prizes

  • Leaderboard 1st Place: $100 
  • Leaderboard 2nd Place: $100
  • Community Contribution:  2 x $100


AI BlitzX⚑ is open to everyone who is interested in diving into the world of Data sciences - students, professionals or researchers. With problems of varying difficulty, we try to ensure that there is something for everyone. For eligibility on prizes please read the rules of the challenge.

Problem Setter: ShubhamaiDipam ChakrabortyAyush Shivani

Team: ShubhamaiVrushank VyasSneha NanavatiAyush ShivaniShivam KhandelwalSharada Mohanty

Contributors:  Rabiul Islam

Interested in helping us out or want to put your own puzzle in the next iteration of this competition? Please send an email to ashivani@aicrowd.com.

Interested in sponsoring AI Blitz in the next iteration of this competition? Please send an email to mohanty@aicrowd.com.



01 ksnxr 225.000
03 eric_parisot 370.000
04 dmitriy_kutsenko 490.000
05 t_zero 580.000


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Template matching with opencv
Over 3 years ago