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Animesh Sinha


International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad


Ranchi, IN






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ASCII-rendered single-player dungeon crawl game

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graded 150074

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graded 171449
failed 171185

Measure sample efficiency and generalization in reinforcement learning using procedurally generated environments

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3D Seismic Image Interpretation by Machine Learning

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5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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A benchmark for image-based food recognition

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Predicting smell of molecular compounds

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graded 87976
graded 87972
graded 87968

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5 Problems 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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graded 124438
graded 124411
graded 124409

5 Puzzles, 3 Weeks | Can you solve them all?

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graded 87976
graded 87972
graded 87968

Grouping/Sorting players into their respective teams

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5 Problems 15 Days. Can you solve it all?

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5 Problems 15 Days. Can you solve it all?

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graded 66513
graded 66379
graded 66233

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graded 82361
graded 82360
graded 82359

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Words are more powerful than actions!

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bhuvanesh_sridharan 0
ruhi_parveen 0
Participant Rating
akshatcx -39
bhuvanesh_sridharan 0

Learn-to-Race: Autonomous Racing Virtual Challenge

Requesting Sensor Information

About 3 years ago

Oops, never mind, figured it out, the config file was in the arrival simulator and the guide on how to reload from the YAML file was here: https://learn-to-race.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sensors.html

Requesting Sensor Information

About 3 years ago

Somehow, all the sensor configs that were a part of the initial setup of Arrival in the Thruxton racetrack are now gone (most probably because I tried to switch over to Anglesey). Can I please get the exact angles and configuration values that people get for their CameraFrontRGB, SegmFrontRGB, etc. It was working for me until now, and I can easily add new sensors, so just the info works, but the JSON or YAML files that I can directly feed in will help a little more.

Need Help with the Simulator documentation

About 3 years ago

Thank you, thank you sooo much! That was the issue, I have spent so much time trying to debug it, I saw those lines but thought they were okay then. It works now, thanks a lot.

Need Help with the Simulator documentation

Over 3 years ago

This picture tells it call, I changed the cameras config, I added the right sensors, I am getting 4 images, but WHY ARE THEY ALL THE SAME??? Where is my BirdsEye and Segmentation map? Are my settings as RGB8 and FOV 90 wrong? Are there more things I missed changing?

Need Help with the Simulator documentation

Over 3 years ago

I tried a lot to get the segmentation map, it doesn’t work. There is a very clear type mismatch in RacingEnv.__init__ in the following lines, where self.cameras should have 3-tuples.

if birdseye_if_kwargs:
    self.cameras.append(("CameraBirdsEye", utils.CameraInterface(**birdseye_if_kwargs)))

And the same with all others of the similar form. This cannot be ignored because later in the pipeline you do unpack this tuple as follows in the the multimodal setter.

for name, params, cam in self.cameras:
    _shape = (params["Width"], params["Height"], 3)
    _spaces[name] = Box(low=0, high=255, shape=_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

And unlike the self.cameras dict in the config, I don’t know what to set here. Some help please.

Need Help with the Simulator documentation

Over 3 years ago

Okay, so I got one part of it, the 30 length vector is described in the variables at top of the env.py file in the comments with the array. I am still confused as to what to pass to constructor of env to get the segmentation maps, and what are these something_if_kwargs variables that seem to be everywhere.

Need Help with the Simulator documentation

Over 3 years ago

Now that everything is setup and working, I am having a hard time figuring out how to customize my inputs and change the config on the simulator, and the AICrowd wrappers and their documentation are a little confusing.

Things I cannot really find easily documented (trying to find it, but clarification would help):

  • Why is the pose a 30 length vector? Why is it not just pitch, roll and yaw, and the 3 vector for the translation, giving the me 6 DOF representation of the 12 element pose transform matrix. I am talking about the pose as returned by the env.step() function?
  • The config file seems to suggest that I can access segmentation maps, and an overhead view, atleast during training. But the AICrowd wrapper’s env.step() only gives me access to the 30-length pose vector, not the other stuff that seems useful. How do I get access to that? env.make() exists, which is called by the AICrowd evaluator class, should I just bypass the evaluator and instantiate my own simulator for training?

Small Error in documentation:

  • env.step() claims to return pose and image as a dict in the docstring, it even talks about the keys, even though it returns as a tuple as clearly mentioned in the docstring for env._observe().

Problems obtaining the Learn2Race simulator

Over 3 years ago

Yeah, the download started for me. It’s a little slow, claims to take 14 hours for a 3GB file while 500MB videos are taking like 20 mins, so it’s most likely server speed limits. But it works.

Problems obtaining the Learn2Race simulator

Over 3 years ago

I am unable to obtain the simulator, I have filled out the Google form and also uploaded the document with my name and email on the AICrowd website a day back. I haven’t gotten a mail yet, but when I go to resources, I see the button which leads me to this link and then dies: http://g.jonfranc.com:81/. What can I do to obtain the simulator / how long would I need to wait for an email?


Have solution?

About 4 years ago

Right, we have guarenteed solutions to all problems.

AI Blitz #6

Issues with the Training Data

About 4 years ago

This is the details for the same image. Both are in the training dataset for problem Chess-Win-Prediction.

We have input the same position on LiChess engine and we get this:

I hope that both the images are identical, the move is correctly assigned to black. But any engine seems to suggest that White will win this, Stockfish is giving it a +2.7 evaluations (very winning) in favor of white. Nevertheless, the official solution sees to predict that black wins. There is no possible castling or en-passant rule that can make that happen.

Am I missing something or is there an issue with the training data?

Link of the Stockfish evaluation: https://lichess.org/analysis/4k3/p3p2p/b3P1p1/q3br2/1r5P/PB1N3Q/1PP3P1/2K1R2R_b_-_-_0_1

We seem to be having this issue with a lot of other images.

What is both sides have the same number of pieces

About 4 years ago

To the best of my counting ability, this image has an equal number of pieces of both colors.
8 Pawns, 3 Minor Pieces, 2 Rooks, a Queen and a King on both sides.
This is image 1539 in the test dataset for problem 1.

What should be the answer in such a case?
Problem: AIBlitz Chess - 1. Chess Pieces

Food Recognition Challenge

πŸš€ Round 3 is live with more images and classes!

Over 4 years ago

Seems like the data files are named .tar.gz but they are .zip files. Please rename.

AI for Good - AI Blitz #3

Explained by the Community | 100 CHF Prize contest πŸŽ‰

Over 4 years ago

I thought I shared the friend link, so that should not be a problem, but here it is again: https://medium.com/bayesian-mechanics/deep-learning-contests-steering-angle-predictions-636edb40d142?source=friends_link&sk=299f5d330fe195f85e7ffc3f99ab5915

Please let me know if you can access it and if there are issues we can always shift it wherever convienient.

In addition, I am not a part of the Meduim partner program, the blog is not monetized, so it should not be in the paywall even when directly searched from google.

Explained by the Community | 100 CHF Prize contest πŸŽ‰

Over 4 years ago

Hello, I am Animesh Sinha from team Bayesian Mechanics, and here is a solution baseline for the AUTODRI problem in this contest.

Please share thoughts and comments.

Can we use pre-trained pytorch models?

Over 4 years ago

What if the pretrained models are not a part of either library, but trained on a standard publically available dataset, eg. ImageNet. And similarly many of the transformer models, BERT, GPT2, etc.

And who decides what a popular dataset is.

Change in Dataset Links

Over 4 years ago

Are the packages damaged, I cannot unzip the files using the new links.


But what about the data leak?

Over 4 years ago

I hope you will consider that many teams did not exploit the data leak and spent a lot of time trying out different models, and the implementation that gets a 99.9% is certainly not a leak. I hope you will add additional data and check, since even the Kaggle precedent dictates that if a data leak is found the question stands and the teams which found it do get an unfair advantage. But testing with more data seems to be the best. Slashing off the question seems highly unfair.

B. Tech. Student, Competitive Programmer, starting out in Machine Learning. Like Physics and Math too.