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Robots that learn to interact with the environment autonomously

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Sample-efficient reinforcement learning in Minecraft

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  • CDS NeurIPS 2019 : MineRL Competition

REAL 2020 - Robot open-Ended Autonomous Learning

Cartesian space question

Over 4 years ago

Hello. We’ve found cartesian space slows down fps. For example on my PC using β€˜macro_action’ and β€˜joints’ action spaces environment could make around 1000 steps per second. But β€˜cartesian’ slows down to 100 steps per second.
The reason is inverse kinematics calculation. Every environment step is simulation step, so to change arm pose in β€˜joints’ or β€˜cartesian’ spaces you should send the same action for 100-500 steps and the same inverse kinematics calculations are performed 100-500 times. To speed up actions in β€˜cartesian’ space action caching can be used (as in β€˜macro’ space). Also β€˜gripper_command’ is ignored in β€˜cartesian_space’.

Baseline question

Over 4 years ago

Hello! Sorry, I’m already in team.

Wrappers using / observation space access

Over 4 years ago

About wrappers: It was just a suggestion, no problems :slight_smile:

About observation space: Thank you)

About β€˜object_position’: I mean β€˜object_position’ space.shape vs β€˜object_position’ observation.shape.
Environment observation space is taken from β€˜robot’ attribute - Kuka class. Kukas observation space is Dict space. There is key β€˜object_position’ and it corresponds to Dict space with keys [β€˜tomato’, …]. This spaces (β€˜tomato’-space and etc.) are Box spaces with shape (7,) (real_robots/envs/robot.py, line 75). But environments [β€˜step’, β€˜reset’] methods returns observation where observation[β€˜object_position’][β€˜tomato’].shape is (3,), because get_position() is called instead of get_pose() (real_robots/envs/env.py, line 234).

Wrappers using / observation space access

Over 4 years ago

Also environments β€˜object_positions’ spaces shape differs from corresponding shape in observation: (7,) vs (3,). I guess problem is in get_position() method calling (returns only coordinates) instead of get_pose() (returns coordinates and orientation).

Wrappers using / observation space access

Over 4 years ago

Is there any way to use wrappers? There are None values (for β€˜goal_mask’ and β€˜goal_positions’ keys) in observation dict in R1-environment. It can be solved with adding zero values for this keys to 93 line in real_robots/env.py:

self.goal = Goal(retina=self.observation_space.spaces[

or with use of wrappers.
Also it can be useful if observation_space also was provided to controller (for nn model defining and etc.). In my code I got information about observation_space from Kuka class, but it is not the most elegant way)

Baseline question

Over 4 years ago

Hello! Question about β€˜percentage_of_actions_ignored_at_the_extremes’ parameter.
As I understand this parameter allows us to drop the least relevant distances. Should there be np.linspace(actions_to_remove, len(self.actions) - 1, …) or np.linspace(0, len(self.actions) - 1 - actions_to_remove, …) instead of np.linspace(actions_to_remove, len(self.actions) - 1 - actions_to_remove, …) in abstractor.py:

        for i in range(condition_dimension):
            sup = ordered_differences_queues[i].get_queue_values()
            for j in np.linspace(actions_to_remove, len(self.actions) - 1 - actions_to_remove, config.abst['total_abstraction']).round(0):
                self.lists_significative_differences[i] += [sup[int(j)]]

? :slight_smile:

NeurIPS 2019 : MineRL Competition

New obtaindiamond

Over 5 years ago

There are normal rewards in the latest updates (once per item except logs). But you haven’t changed docker and submissions are evaluated with β€˜reward bugs’.

[Announcement] Submissions for Round 1 now open!

Over 5 years ago

Question about deadline of first round: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/neurips-2019-minerl-competition there is said that 1 round finishes in 48 days, but it differs from date in β€œimportant dates” (22 september). When first round finishes?

How is the "reward" on leaderboard page computed?

Over 5 years ago

Also it looks like it is β€œDense” environment, because using evaluate_locally.sh script we’ve got reward for every crafted item, and after replacing β€œObtainDiamond” with β€œObtainDiamondDense” we’ve got reward only once per item.

ermekaitygulov has not provided any information yet.