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Source separation of a cinematic audio track into dialogue, sound-effects and misc.

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Sound Demixing Challenge 2023

Submission Times

Almost 2 years ago

I am a team of four participants. Each of us can only submit once, and when submitting a second time we will show that we are currently unable to submit. We only have one chance per person, not 5 chances or 10 chances.

Submission Times

Almost 2 years ago

Again there are 7 successful submissions in the last 24 hours, and even assuming that the quotas are updated at every midnight, there are still 6 successful submissions in May 8th (I am in UTC +8, so it counts from 08:00:00), both exceeding the maximum submission quota of 5 shown in the submission page.

I mean we are completely fine if our models are not the best (this is the most common case for competitions right?), but the submission system let us feel like there are something wrong with our team, as we can only submit 4 entries per day throughout the past weeks and we thought that this is the submission policy for everyone. It is really weird to see different teams having different submission quotas and even exceeding the maximum quota shown in the system.

Submission Times

Almost 2 years ago

@mohanty In this thread the organizer said that the submission quotas are checked in the last 24 hour window, while we found this participant made 7 successful submissions within a same 24 hour slot. Just wondering what happened to the submission system, as our attempts to make more than 4 submissions in a day were always blocked.

Submission Times

Almost 2 years ago


Why is quickpepper947 able to submit 6 times a day, which is over the 5 time limit? And my account can only submit once.

Submissions are being stuck on "Preparing the cluster for you" for a long time

Almost 2 years ago

Can you tell me when submissions can start? Because I see that the submissions are now on hold and I can’t get a final result. @mohanty

Submissions are being stuck on "Preparing the cluster for you" for a long time

Almost 2 years ago

I found my previous submission and didn’t restart it.

When does the second phase open?

Almost 2 years ago

I checked the description on the website, and it was supposed to open the second testing phase on March 6. But I haven’t seen any hints about it so far.

Also, the results I submitted are shown on the leaderboard.

I hope to get clarification from you about the opening date of the second phase.

Is leaderboard frozen?

Almost 2 years ago

I found that I had higher results, but they didn’t show up on the leaderboard.

Please check: AIcrowd | Cinematic Sound Demixing Track - CDX'23 | Submissions #211305

Some evaluated and submitted Bugs

About 2 years ago

  1. At the end of the evaluation model, clicking on View the scores for the submission here. does not display the current model’s metrics.

  2. Remaining submissions: I have 5 submissions per day, but I can only submit once per day.

MDX: failed submissions count towards the daily limit

About 2 years ago

For the CDX challenge, I found out that I had 5 chances to submit but I could only submit once a day, not sure for what reason.

AIcrowd Submission Failed This means I have no more submissions.

Evaluation failed

About 2 years ago

I was able to successfully pass the test in the Cdx Validation phase, but was only able to pass the first 15 samples in the Cinematic Sound Demixing phase, and then failed the evaluation.

JusperLee has not provided any information yet.