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Lukas Picek


University of West Bohemia


Rokycany, CZ





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Improving the HTR output of Greek papyri and Byzantine manuscripts

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Machine Learning for detection of early onset of Alzheimers

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A benchmark for image-based food recognition

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graded 69846
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graded 69321

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Grouping/Sorting players into their respective teams

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graded 68146
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Image-based plant identification at global scale

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  • picekl SnakeCLEF2021 - Snake Species Identification Challenge

SnakeCLEF2021 - Snake Species Identification Chall

[IMPORTANT!] SnakeCLEF2021 - Updated Submission Instructions

Almost 4 years ago

Dear All, @dmitryakonovalov @gaurav_singhal5 @razvan_croitoru @ibrahim_sherif @tetelias @UAIC_AI @prabavathy_b @KL_BP_SSN @LouiseBloch @brego

As you might have some technical issues with the submission files, we decided to provide another 5 test submissions for each team. We won’t give you the measured score but just the info that the evaluation went well. This should help you all to prepare good final submission files.

Please send the test submission to lukaspicek@gmail.com. I will evaluate it ASAP and will let you know the β€œresult”. Keep in mind that This is a limited offer, so do not hesitate to send it to me. I won’t be able to evaluate your test files after 15.5. 21:00. All the focus after the deadline will be targeted upon the final evaluation.


[IMPORTANT!] SnakeCLEF2021 - Updated Submission Instructions

Almost 4 years ago


You are right, there is indeed one corrupted image. Please add a random prediction for this one.
All 10 submissions will be considered as final. Consider submitting it to follow your publication β€œfindings”. For example 1st as a baseline and then as increments based on your experiments,e.g., different architectures, input sizes, tricks etc.

This is a pretty old school technic, but we will order all the submissions from all the teams into the leaderboard. To my best knowledge, We currently have 6 teams, so there is gonna be up to 60 scores on the leaderboard.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you will need anything.


[IMPORTANT!] SnakeCLEF2021 - Updated Submission Instructions

Almost 4 years ago

Hi @gaurav_singhal5,

As in other CLEF Challenges, all participants will be allowed to submit up to 10 submissions overall. The result will be available once I will perform the validation manually (through my script). Once it will be done, probably Sunday / Monday, you will find the results on the given URL.


[IMPORTANT!] SnakeCLEF2021 - Updated Submission Instructions

Almost 4 years ago

Dear All, @dmitryakonovalov @gaurav_singhal5 @razvan_croitoru @ibrahim_sherif @tetelias @UAIC_AI @prabavathy_b @KL_BP_SSN @LouiseBloch @brego

Unfortunately, I have to inform you that we have to switch to the evaluation via the CSV files.

Rules / Guidelines:

  • Due to the circumstances, the Deadline is postponed to 16.5. 2021 9 pm CET. We hope this will give you some additional time. Anyway, the deadline for submitting the working notes paper have to remain the same (28.5. 2021).
  • All Participants are allowed to submit up to 10 CSV files.
  • Please send all the CSV files to the following emails β€”> lukaspicek@gmail.com, amdurso@gmail.com.
  • You can download the test data, test metadata and sample submission file from β€”> https://www.imageclef.org/SnakeCLEF2021

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly in case anything won’t work as expected. I will try to be available almost 24/7. :slight_smile:


Updated starter kit & submission evaluation

Almost 4 years ago

Hi @mohanty,

I really do not know why you made this public. Even though you are wrong in most of your points, I won’t respond to that. Just two question. Will you make the CSV submissions available? If yes, when?

Otherwise, I will do the evaluation β€œmanually”.

All the best,

Updated starter kit & submission evaluation

Almost 4 years ago

Hi Gokul,

looks like there are some issues at the AICrowd side. Following that, we might use a completely different strategy this year. Probably, releasing the β€œpublic” part of the test dataset and expecting CSV files from the participants. This is really unfortunate as the deadline is pretty close. Stay tuned!


Test data "release" and testing period specification

Almost 4 years ago

Dear All,

First of all, let me thank you for your patience related to the disabled testing service. Yesterday, we provided a private test set to the AICrowd team, and we believe that the service will be available shortly.

As there is a significant delay in the β€œrelease”, we will increase the number of submissions available per day up to 10. To minimize the min-maxing related issues, results will be calculated just on a fraction (80-90%) of the test set. As a result, the final performance might be a bit different. In the end, you should be able to specify which submissions that you want to compete with.

Just a few reminders:

  • Usage of any additional data is against the rules.
  • Please avoid any HW hungry techniques like ensembling. Your submissions might take long and could be suspended.
  • We would like to see a single model submission as there is a potential to use it in a real application potentially embedded in the device.

On behalf of the organizers,
Lukas Picek

Confirmation on the prizes for Round 5

Almost 4 years ago

Hi Gaurav,

the rewards showed on SnakeCLEF2021 and here on AIcrowd should be the same.


  • USD 5K as part of Microsoft’s AI for earth program Prize Money
  • 3 authorships for top scoring teams

PS: The deadline is scheduled for 14.5. 2021.


Colab for this competition

Almost 4 years ago

Hi Ibrahim,

After successfully splitting tar files or any large file in Linux, you can join the files using the cat command. Employing cat is the most efficient and reliable method of performing a joining operation.

To join back all the blocks or tar files, we issue the command below:

cat home.tar.bz2.parta* >backup.tar.gz.joined


Round 5 Dataset

Almost 4 years ago

Yes, the data from previous years are part of the SnakeCLEF2021 data.

Please keep in mind that the usage of the additional data is restricted by the competition and AICrowd rules.


Submitting your kit: image_build_failed

Almost 4 years ago

Hi Gokul,

Good to see you!

It is a good question but I still do not have a positive answer. As we are trying to get much more images for testing so we are postponing the release of the starter kit. We will definitely release it by the end of the month.


Colab for this competition

Almost 4 years ago

FYI - It is UP :slight_smile:


Colab for this competition

Almost 4 years ago

The Proxy is probably down. Just try it later :slight_smile:
It will work sooner or later.


Colab for this competition

Almost 4 years ago

Hi Ibrahim,

feel free to download data from my personal folder --> http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/personal/picekluk/SnakeCLEF2021/


Colab for this competition

Almost 4 years ago

Hi Ibrahim,

Just finished the resizing.
Unfortunately, the new archive has 40G. Is it useful?


Submitting your kit: image_build_failed

Almost 4 years ago

Hi Dmitry,

we expect to have it done at the beginning of April. Our target is to expand the undisclosed dataset as much as possible.

There is currently no need to Submit anyway. You should be able to prepare the solution with the provided validation set.


Colab for this competition

Almost 4 years ago

Hi @ibrahim_sherif,

it is highly diverse. A lot with 12MP, e.g., 4000x3000. I can start by resizing just the big images. Resizing it to 1/4 of its original should not have a negative impact.


Colab for this competition

Almost 4 years ago

Hi @ibrahim_sherif,

As we include the original size images, the whole dataset could be a bit β€œspacy”.

Would a resized version of the dataset help? I believe I could reduce the size to 1/4 of its original.


Colab for this competition

Almost 4 years ago

Dear Ibrahim,

to be honest we do not have any experience running it on Google Colab. I believe that you need to download it on your local machine and upload it to your Google Drive. Then you should be able to access the data from Google Colab. To Submit your solution, you will need to upload your end-to-end system to our local GitLab repository as we have a private test set.

Hope it helped.


Submitting your kit: image_build_failed

About 4 years ago

Good Morning, Dmitry,

I can confirm that the training set won’t be changed.


picekl has not provided any information yet.