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Sneha Nanavati









Challenge Categories


Challenges Entered

Automating Building Data Classification

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failed 280150

Generate Synchronised & Contextually Accurate Videos

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Improve RAG with Real-World Benchmarks

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failed 247893
graded 247892

Multi-Agent Dynamics & Mixed-Motive Cooperation

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Small Object Detection and Classification

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failed 235496

Understand semantic segmentation and monocular depth estimation from downward-facing drone images

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A benchmark for image-based food recognition

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Using AI For Building’s Energy Management

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What data should you label to get the most value for your money?

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Interactive embodied agents for Human-AI collaboration

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Behavioral Representation Learning from Animal Poses.

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Airborne Object Tracking Challenge

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ASCII-rendered single-player dungeon crawl game

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5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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Measure sample efficiency and generalization in reinforcement learning using procedurally generated environments

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5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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Self-driving RL on DeepRacer cars - From simulation to real world

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3D Seismic Image Interpretation by Machine Learning

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5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains

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A dataset and open-ended challenge for music recommendation research

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A benchmark for image-based food recognition

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Sample-efficient reinforcement learning in Minecraft

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5 Puzzles, 3 Weeks. Can you solve them all? πŸ˜‰

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Multi-agent RL in game environment. Train your Derklings, creatures with a neural network brain, to fight for you!

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Predicting smell of molecular compounds

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5 Problems 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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5 Puzzles 21 Days. Can you solve it all?

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5 Puzzles, 3 Weeks | Can you solve them all?

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Grouping/Sorting players into their respective teams

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5 Problems 15 Days. Can you solve it all?

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5 Problems 15 Days. Can you solve it all?

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Remove Smoke from Image

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Classify Rotation of F1 Cars

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Can you classify Research Papers into different categories ?

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Can you dock a spacecraft to ISS ?

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Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains

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Multi-Class Object Detection on Road Scene Images

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Localization, SLAM, Place Recognition, Visual Navigation, Loop Closure Detection

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Detect Mask From Faces

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Identify Words from silent video inputs.

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A Challenge on Continual Learning using Real-World Imagery

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graded 200977

Music source separation of an audio signal into separate tracks for vocals, bass, drums, and other

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failed 247893
graded 247892

Make Informed Decisions with Shopping Knowledge

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Participant Rating
vrv 0
cadabullos 0
cavalier_anonyme 0
Participant Rating

Brick by Brick

The Web Conf Announcement


Hi @kaushik_gopalan
Relaying the response from the organisers: They have received your submission on EasyChair and are currently reviewing it as a priority. If accepted, full registration will be required, even for remote participation. If your team is not among the top five, the registration fee will not be covered by the travel grant.

The organisers are currently preparing submissions for the camera-ready deadline and will share the review and notification with you soon. They extend their thanks and appreciation for your submission.

The Web Conf Announcement


Hello, Sorry it’s too late to make a submission now. Today is the last day to submit the camera-ready version of the paper.

The Web Conf Announcement

3 days ago

Hello @chan_jun_hao
Yes, winning teams can present virtually at the conference. However, in the case of a team, only one person can register and present the paper. Please note that a full conference registration is still required. I hope this answers your query.

Tentative Winner Announcement

7 days ago

Hi @leocd,

The final announcement is expected in the first week of March.

Based on our experience, the rankings will remain unchanged unless there is evidence of malpractice, misuse of dataset, or other violations. As you mentioned, we are currently validating the submission code and methods and checking for any use of external datasets.

Tentative Winner Announcement

8 days ago

Hello everyone,

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Over the past few months, the Brick by Brick Challenge 2024 brought together 313+ participants from 40+ countries, resulting in an incredible 1,870+ submissions! :rocket:

:tada: A huge thank you for participating in this challenge!

In the meantime, we’re excited to share the tentative winners of the challenge. Please note that this is not an official announcementβ€”they are subject to change following a due diligence review of the submissions.

Rank Team Name Members
:1st_place_medal: 1st Place yddm @mike_q, @zoe1113, @leo2025vv
:2nd_place_medal: 2nd Place xiaobaiLan @xiaobaiLan, @20N, @wangbing106
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd Place NaiveBaes @leocd, @jonasmacken, @joe_zhao7, @xenonhe, @RuiyuanY
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd Place bram @bram
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd Place chan_jun_hao @chan_jun_hao

We’ll be sharing more details about the winning teams and their solutions very soonβ€”so stay tuned! Make sure you’re subscribed to AIcrowd emails and following us on Twitter and LinkedIn to be the first to know.

:memo: Got 2 minutes? Help us improve our challenges by filling out our feedback survey: https://forms.gle/K7qh3pt1WBDyW5sEA :blush:

The Web Conf Announcement

10 days ago

Hello @leocd
The travel grant covers one registration only - yes, only for one presenter, essentially for the paper to be registered. If they’re remote, I guess they can all dial in together from the Zoom link. If they attend in person, they will get the whole travel grant, and they can decide how they use/share it

The Web Conf Announcement

10 days ago

Hello @kaushik_gopalan
Yes the session will be hybrid. The paper can be presented online via zoom. However, it still needs to be registered as a pre-conference registration rate (full ACM member/non-member rate). The virtual rate is only eligible for attendance, not paper registration.

The Web Conf Announcement

11 days ago

  1. Travel Grant: For the top 5 winners to claim the travel grants, you need to submit the documentation of your solutions to The Web Conf. 2025, and present it in person.

  2. Every submission must be accompanied by at least one full (non-student) registration at the Pre-Conference. The early bird non-ACM member price is AUD 950, which is much less than the amount covered by the travel grant. Registration | International World Wide Web Conference 2025 ( WWW2025 | The Web Conf 2025 )

  3. If you are among the top 5 winners but cannot attend the conference, you can still submit. A partial amount of the travel grant will be granted to cover the registration cost.

  4. Everyone whose best submission is above the baselines is eligible and encouraged to submit to The Web Conf as well.

The submission link: Log in to EasyChair for WWW25 - Companion.

To submit your entry, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the provided link: Log in to EasyChair for WWW25 - Companion.
  2. Click on β€œNew Submission.”
  3. Select β€œwww25-Competition: Brick-by-Brick” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete your submission.

Page limit: Maximum of 5 pages, including references.

Challenge Announcement

15 days ago

Let me check with the organisers to confirm if they have received the request and can access the repository. Just to be extra sure, could you resend the invite? Thanks!

Challenge Announcement

18 days ago

Please Read

  1. Submission Requirements

    • All valid submissions must include accompanying documentation and code, which must be made publicly available under the Apache 2.0 license as per the competition rules. These will be hosted on the competition GitHub page: Competition GitHub.
    • Additionally, participants are strongly encouraged to publish their documentation on ArXiv. More information about ArXiv can be found here, and submission guidelines are available here.
  2. Workshop at The Web Conference 2025

    • We encourage all participants to submit their work to and attend our workshop at The Web Conference 2025. Participation is at their own cost, except for the top 5 participants, who will receive travel grants.
  3. β€œLessons Learned” Paper

    • We plan to write a summary paper highlighting key findings and innovations from this competition. This paper will cite participant documentation if published in the workshop or on ArXiv.

Submission Documentation Requirement

As part of the challenge, we request all participants to document their submissions and methods with a formal write-up.

:pushpin: Winners are required to submit their documentation to The Web Conference 2025. However, all participants are strongly encouraged to share their approaches with the broader community.

To ensure consistency, please use the provided template for your submission documentation.

  • Upload your completed PDF to the Google Form, including your name and AIcrowd username, no later than 3rd February 2025, 23:05 AoE.

How to Submit

:pushpin: Please submit your documentation and solution code via the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/WsM8d2XBFzXmpdkXA.

24-Hour Grace Period for Documentation & Repo Adjustments

Q: Can we re-upload and adjust our repository and documentation during the grace period using the same Google link?
:white_check_mark: Yes, you can update your submission via the same Google link, as it allows you to edit your response.

Q: Do we need to submit something before the deadline, even if it’s just an empty repository and documentation?
:warning: Before the deadline, participants must submit at least an abstract (a short paragraph) describing, at a high level, the approach being used.

:rotating_light: Important: You will be disqualified from prize eligibility if you fail to submit documentation and do not open-source your code after the grace period.

How to Grant Access to Your GitHub/GitLab Repository

:pushpin: Please grant repository access to the following emails:

Additional Clarifications on Submission Expectations

To ensure fair participation and transparency:

  • By the challenge deadline, you should submit at least a brief abstract outlining your approach.
  • The grace period is meant only for refining documentation and repository details, not for making a first submission.
  • If you fail to submit any documentation and do not open-source your code within the grace period, you will not be eligible for prize money.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Good luck with your submissions! :rocket:

‼️ ✍️ Important: Submission Documentation Guidelines

18 days ago

1. Clarification on the Challenge End Date

The challenge officially ends on 3rd February 2025, 23:05 AoE. This means that the AIcrowd website will stop accepting submissions after 4th February 2025, 11:05 UTC. The deadline is now reflected on the challenge page.

2. 24-Hour Grace Period for Documentation & Repo Adjustments

Q: Can we re-upload and adjust our repository and documentation during the grace period using the same Google link?
Yes, you can update your submission via the same Google link, as it allows you to edit your response.

Q: Do we need to submit something before the deadline, even if it’s just an empty repository and documentation?
Before the deadline, participants are required to submit at least an abstract (a short paragraph) describing, at a high level, the approach being used.

:warning: Important: You will be disqualified from prize eligibility if you do not submit any documentation and fail to open-source your code after the grace period.

3. How to Grant Access to Your GitHub/GitLab Repository

Please grant repository access to the following emails:

4. Can We Use GitHub Instead of GitLab?

Our standard practice is to use GitLab for submissions.

Additional Clarification on Submission Expectations

To ensure fair participation and transparency:

  • By the challenge deadline, you should submit at least a brief abstract outlining your approach.
  • The grace period is meant only for refining documentation and repository details, not for making a first submission.
  • If you fail to submit any documentation and do not open-source your code within the grace period, you will not be eligible for prize money.

Hope this clears up any confusion! Let us know if you have further questions.

All the best!

πŸ’¬ Feedback & Suggestions

28 days ago

Hello @sergio_a

  1. What is that modified version of the Brick Schema?

We combined some of labels together. For example, various different Alarms are combined into a single class.

  1. What are the 94 point subclasses? Or how does that correspond to the 240 classes of the train_y csv? Are classes with a child not counted into these 94 classes (i.e. the 94 classes are lowest level)?

For this competition, please use the files provided from the offical competition page available at: AIcrowd . The provided train_y_v0.1.0.csv file have 94 point subclasses / β€œcolumns”.

  1. If all the datapoints are subclasses of Point and the parent classes are labeled as True. Why is the Point class in train_y -1 for all samples? Shouldn’t it be 1 because it is the parent class of everything?

In the provided files does not have the Point label / β€œcolumn”.

πŸ’¬ Feedback & Suggestions

29 days ago

We were informed of an issue regarding a participant’s inability to add a team member. Upon review of the logs, it was identified that the request was made before the team freeze, but a technical glitch prevented it from being implemented.

To address the situation and ensure compliance with our processes, we made the necessary adjustments to resolve the issue while maintaining the integrity of the challenge

πŸ’¬ Feedback & Suggestions

29 days ago

Hi @mike_q

Remote presentations will not be facilitated by the conference, so all attendees are expected to present in person. Each participant is responsible for their own conference registration. For those whose papers are accepted – typically among the top submissions – their registration will include the paper publication fee. This process is similar to submitting a paper to a conference and having it published. The competition organisers undertake this work on a completely voluntary basis, with no personal gain involved.

Attendance at the Sydney conference is mandatory for those awarded travel grants. They must present their paper in person, after which the travel grant will be disbursed following their attendance.

‼️ ✍️ Important: Submission Documentation Guidelines

About 1 month ago


Thank you for actively participating in the challenge! As part of the challenge, we request all participants to document their submissions and methods and provide a formal write-up. Please note that winners are required to submit this documentation to The Web Conference. However, we strongly encourage all participants to share their approaches with the community.

Please use the provided template to create your submission documentation to ensure consistency. Upload the completed PDF file to the Google Form , including your name and AIcrowd username, no later than 3rd February 2025, 23:05 AoE.

Participants must submit their solution code via a private GitLab repository as part of the competition requirements. Please ensure the repository is accessible and include the link in your documentation submission. Submitting the repository link is mandatory for winners to claim their prize. After the competition concludes, these repositories will be made publicly available as open source, as per the competition rules.

Note: If you are part of a team, only one documentation should be submitted by the team leader, who will be responsible for filling out the form.

Key Dates and Deadlines

β€’ Submission Deadline: 3rd February 2025, 23:05 AoE (aligned with the competition end time). Follow the template provided.

β€’ Grace Period: An additional 24 hours will allow participants to make updates and final adjustments.

How to Submit

Please submit your documentation and solution code via the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/WsM8d2XBFzXmpdkXA.

Please note: Before any prizes are distributed, the submitted code will have to go through a due diligence process to assess if it reliably replicates the scores of the associated submission. If the submitted code and models do not replicate the scores of the associated submission, the entry will be disqualified, and the prize will move on to the next eligible team on the leaderboard.

Thank you for your active participation, and we look forward to seeing your creative solutions!

All the best,
Team AIcrowd

πŸ’¬ Feedback & Suggestions

About 1 month ago

Hi Thomas,
Thank you for pointing that out. You are correctβ€”the metric used is Macro F1.
The typo has now been corrected.

Sounding Video Generation (SVG) Challenge 2024

πŸ“Ή SVG Townhall #1 Recording

24 days ago

Hello all,

Last week, we hosted the Sounding Video Generation Challenge Townhall, featuring insightful presentations from our organisers and panellists. Here’s a quick recap of what was covered:

β€’ Takashi Shibuya: Provided an overview of the challenge, including its mission and problem statement, and discussed the Temporal Alignment track.
β€’ Masato Ishii: Explained the Spatial Alignment track and the key methodologies driving the challenge.
β€’ Christian Simon: Delved into the development of audio-visual generative models and how they play a crucial role in the challenge.
β€’ Kazuki Shimada: Shared insights into audio understanding and generation techniques, answering questions about their practical applications.

:movie_camera: Missed the session? Watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/TXKbvB2OBLQ

Have additional questions or feedback? Drop them in the comments, and our team will be happy to follow up.

Thank you to everyone who joined us live! We’re excited to see your progress in Round 2 of the challenge.

Best regards,
Team AIcrowd

⏰ Challenge Breakdown and Q&A: Live with the Organisers | 23rd January, 10 AM CET

About 1 month ago

Hello everyone,

As Round 2 continues, we’re excited to invite you to the first Sounding Video Generation Challenge Townhall! This session offers an opportunity to engage with the organisers, gain valuable insights into the challenge, and get your questions answered. Prepare to boost your Round 2 submissions and refine your strategies!

:date: Date: 23rd January 2025 (Thursday)
:alarm_clock: Time: 6:00 PM JST / 10:00 AM CET
:link: Zoom Link: Join the Townhall

Can’t make it? Don’t worry! A recording will be available after the event. You can also drop your questions in the comments for the organisers, and they’ll be addressed during the town hall.

:movie_camera: What to Expect:

  • Overview of the challenge and problem statement
  • Explanation of the Temporal Alignment track
  • Explanation of the Spatial Alignment track
  • Live Q&A session

:man_teacher: Panellists
This townhall features Sony AI’s leading experts:

  • Takashi Shibuya, Senior Manager at Sony AI: Generative AI for content creation, including audio and 3D-aware image generation.
  • Masato Ishii, Senior Research Scientist at Sony AI: Generative modeling for multimodal data.
  • Christian Simon, Research Scientist at Sony Group Corporation: Audio-visual generative model development.
  • Kazuki Shimada, AI Engineer at Sony AI: Audio understanding and generation.

:spiral_calendar: Mark your calendars, prepare questions, and join us live for this event.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
Team AIcrowd

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