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Miroslav Valan


Swedish Museum of Natural History


Stockholm, SE





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Challenges Entered

A benchmark for image-based food recognition

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graded 58241
graded 58240
failed 58239

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Project 2: Road extraction from satellite images

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Recognizing bird sounds in monophone soundscapes

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Participant Rating
alexis.joly 0
Participant Rating
  • Val_An Food Recognition Challenge
  • picekl SnakeCLEF2021 - Snake Species Identification Challenge

LifeCLEF 2020 Plant

Description changes

Almost 5 years ago

Are you still going to use 10 predictions for MRR? I think I saw this in the earlier version of the description but can’t find it anymore. Sorry if I misunderstood.

LifeCLEF 2020 Bird - Monophone

Deadline extension until June 5th

Almost 5 years ago

Here you say May 5th and in the challenge description is changed to June 5th. What is correct

Why no baseline

Almost 5 years ago

Will you be giving some baseline?

Someone scored perfect score 1.0 the first day test data was published

Almost 5 years ago

As title says. I would appreciate if organizers comment on this…

SnakeCLEF2021 - Snake Species Identification Chall

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

thanks, kudos to you too. See you at the next stage, I assume.

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

thank you. Looking forward to it.

Best of luck to all and see you on the next challenge

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

Congrats to all. It’s been 3 days since the competition finished and we haven’t got any info how we shall proceed from here. What happens next @devops?

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

How come some of my subs took 14h and didn’t fail if the limit is 8h? Then again, how am I supposed to know that timeout is set to 8h? Where is it written? I also thought for a moment that you keep changing the timeout limit? Can you confirm that this is not true?

inferencing time is way off. Locally my model on 1080ti takes ~10 minutes to execute so obviously it runs on CPU when submitted.

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

@devops @shivam what does the timeout mean? Anyone knows where I can find this information. I have asked this question numerous times after @devops commented my failed subs but they were ignored so I am bring it up here.

How am I supposed to debug Timeout? Some of my successful subs took longer to execute than most of those which failed because of timeout. I couldn’t come up with reasonable explanation for such behaviour. I hope you can help me to understand this.

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

I apologize for overlooking this. Slow evaluation drove me crazy as I mentioned earlier in this discussion.

Now I wonder how I am supposed to know this?

Am I supposed to read through previous competitions to understand how to submit?

Also I really think you should add edit history for your challenge description? Two months ago I read it for this challenge and now I see it’s changed. Nothing important, you updated number of images which were originally just copy pasted from stage 2. I hope you will not take my comments as an offense, I am just trying to understand, share my experience and give some suggestions how to make it easier to participate.

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

Why it needs to be 10.0? I don’t understand. TBH, I am not sure that organizers enabled GPU for this comp?
@shivam @ashivani @mohanty is there a gpu allocated or not?

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

just exported yml with conda. train locally and inference in docker

Can I have an example of a code which is working to make a submission on gitlab?

About 5 years ago

frustration is the word that describes my participation in this challenge. I spent around 1h to build the actual model but days to make a successful submission. Participation should definitely be more straightforward. A must is to enable β€œdebug” with instant error logs. Besides

  • submitting the same code sometimes failed and sometimes went through.
  • sometimes I would get timeout error after 10h and sometimes not
  • it doesn’t make sense to me why the evaluation is so slow when we should have <40 000 images
  • it also doesn’t make sense to me to organize a challenge and then remain silent

ValAn has not provided any information yet.