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What data should you label to get the most value for your money?

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ESCI Challenge for Improving Product Search

【Solution ZhichunRoad】 5th@task1, 7th@task2 and 8th@task3

Over 2 years ago

Thanks for the information, they are very helpful!

I used the mlm task as the basic pre-training task and did not remove it separately.
So I not sure whether the MLM Task works well.

But, I would like to provide some additional information.

  1. As presented in some Domain pre-training Papers[1],using additional unlabeled datasets for pretraining can get good performance in most domains CV, NLP, etc. (I personally think the pre-training stage is essential.)

  2. In the product_catalogue dataset, there are ~20w product meta info that do not appear in the public dataset (the training set & public test set).
    To make the model β€œfamiliar with” this part of the data. Except for the MLM task, I can’t think of a better method…

[1] Don’t Stop Pretraining: Adapt Language Models to Domains and Tasks

@yrquni @hsuchengmath @zhichao_feng
Looking forward to more discussions & ideas.

【Solution ZhichunRoad】 5th@task1, 7th@task2 and 8th@task3

Over 2 years ago

First of all, many thanks to the organizers for their hard work(the AICrowd platform& the Shopping Queries Dataset[1]).
And I learned a lot from the selfless sharing of the contestants in the discussion board.
Below is my solution:

|  SubTask  |         Methods           |       Metric      |  Ranking  |
|   task1   |  ensemble 6 large models  |    ndcg=0.9025    |    5th    |
|   task2   |    only 1 large model     |  micro f1=0.8194  |    7th    |
|   task3   |    only 1 large model     |  micro f1=0.8686  |    8th    |

It seems to me that this competition mainly contains two challenges:

Q1.How to improve the search quality of those unseen queries?

A1: we need more general encoded representations.

Q2.There is very rich text information on the product side, how to fully characterize it ?

A2: As the bert-like model’s β€œmax_lenth paramter” increases, the training time increases more rapidly.
We need an extra semantic unit to cover all the text infomation.

A1 Solution:
Inspired by some multi-task pre-training work[2]
In pre-training stage, we adopt mlm task, classification task and contrastive learning task to achieve considerably performance.


A2 Solution
Inspired by some related work[3,4]
In fine-tuning stage, we use confident learning, exponential moving average method (EMA), adversarial training (FGM) and regularized dropout strategy (R-Drop) to improve the model’s generalization and robustness.
Moreover, we use a multi-granular semantic unit to discover the queries and products textual metadata for enhancing the representation of the model.

image image

In this work, we use data augmentation, multi-task pre-training and several fine-tuning methods to imporve our model’s generalization and robustness.

We release the source code at GitHub - cuixuage/KDDCup2022-ESCI

Thanks All~ :slight_smile:
Looking forward to more sharing and papers

[1] Shopping Queries Dataset: A Large-Scale ESCI Benchmark for Improving Product Search
[2] Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks for Natural Language Understanding
[3] Embedding-based Product Retrieval in Taobao Search
[4] Que2Search: Fast and Accurate Query and Document Understanding for Search at Facebook

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

Over 2 years ago

I also have the same problem, it seems that the failures due to network fluctuations.

Describe the bug

My submissions are :

submission_hash : 08bd285849b47afb73ec59993561b26baec9bbb1
submission_hash : 95c28e3692ec2259650394218c679470ffcc95a8
submission_hash : 70800c63ce568686f330dc1f848c4eda8e8ccf45


@mohanty @shivam
Could you please restart my submission? It seems to me that the request is in compliance with the rules.
(In this great game, no one wants to have any regrets. :blush:)

πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

Over 2 years ago

During the last day, I had some submissions waiting in the queue for hours.
Could you provide more machine resources to ensure that our submissions start running as soon as possible?


πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

Over 2 years ago

hi, the channel of pip source could be kept up to latest?
Describe the bug
when i used requirements.txt as this:


The error is

Status: QUEUED
Status: FAILED
Build failed :frowning:
Last response:
β€œgit_uri”: β€œgit@gitlab.aicrowd.com:xuange_cui/task_2_multiclass_product_classification_starter_kit.git”,
β€œgit_revision”: β€œsubmission-v0703.09”,
β€œdockerfile_path”: null,
β€œcontext_path”: null,
β€œimage_tag”: β€œaicrowd/submission:192070”,
β€œmem”: β€œ14Gi”,
β€œcpu”: β€œ3000m”,
β€œbase_image”: null,
β€œnode_selector”: null,
β€œlabels”: β€œevaluations-api.aicrowd.com/cluster-id: 2; evaluations-api.aicrowd.com/grader-id: 68; evaluations-api.aicrowd.com/dns-name: runtime-setup; evaluations-api.aicrowd.com/expose-logs: true”,
β€œbuild_args”: null,
β€œcluster_id”: 1,
β€œid”: 3708,
β€œqueued_at”: β€œ2022-07-03T09:03:31.405604”,
β€œstarted_at”: β€œ2022-07-03T09:03:43.673873”,
β€œbuilt_at”: null,
β€œpushed_at”: null,
β€œcancelled_at”: null,
β€œfailed_at”: β€œ2022-07-03T09:07:34.352399”,
β€œstatus”: β€œFAILED”,
β€œbuild_metadata”: β€œ{β€œbase_image”: β€œnvidia/cuda:10.1-cudnn7-runtime-ubuntu18.04”}”

But when i used requirements.txt as this:


The debug log shows that I have completed successfully

Status: QUEUED
Status: PUSHED
Build succeeded
Trying to setup AIcrowd runtime.
2022-07-03 09:01:35.781 | INFO | aicrowd_evaluations.evaluator.client:register:153 - registering client with evaluation server
2022-07-03 09:01:35.785 | SUCCESS | aicrowd_evaluations.evaluator.client:register:168 - connected to evaluation server
Phase Key : public_test_phase
Phase Key : public_test_phase
Progress ---- 3.609534947517362e-06
Progress ---- 0.7759706039473874
Writing Task-2 Predictions to : /shared/task2-public-64b9d737-1ec6-4ff6-843f-7bdcf17042b1.csv
Progress ---- 1


πŸš€ Code Submission Round Launched πŸš€

Over 2 years ago

hi ,I get an error when I make the second submission:
Describe the bug

Submission failed : The participant has no submission slots remaining for today. Please wait until 2022-07-03 08:51:17 UTC to make your next submission.

Expected behavior
A Team may make only five submission per task per 24-hour period. Challenge Rule URL.


1.Limited by the current number of commits, I may have only a few opportunities to test my prediction code.
2.I’m not familiar with repo2docker (especially the environment configuration),it makes me more worried about whether I can finish the competition before July 15th.

Is it possible to increase the number of submissions?


Useful Research Papers for Improving LB Score

Over 2 years ago

(post deleted by author)

F1 Score for ranking task 2 and 3

Over 2 years ago

The metrics in the leaderboard of task 2 & 3 seems strange

Almost 3 years ago

In multi-class, micro f1 == accuracy
And, I hope the ref url will help.


xuange_cui has not provided any information yet.