
Global Wheat Head Dataset 2021: more diversity to improve the benchmarking of wheat head localization methods

Etienne David Mario Serouart Daniel Smith Simon Madec
Kaaviya Velumani Shouyang Liu Xu Wang Francisco Pinto Espinosa
Shahameh Shafiee Izzat S. A. Tahir Hisashi Tsujimoto Shuhei Nasuda Bangyou Zheng Norbert Kichgessner Helge Aasen Andreas Hund Pouria Sadhegi-Tehran Koichi Nagasawa Goro Ishikawa Sébastien Dandrifosse Alexis Carlier Benoit Mercatoris Ken Kuroki Haozhou Wang Masanori Ishii Minhajul A. Badhon Curtis Pozniak David Shaner LeBauer Morten Lilimo Jesse Poland Scott Chapman Benoit de Solan Frédéric Baret Ian Stavness Wei Guo
17 May 2021




The Global Wheat Head Detection (GWHD) dataset was created in 2020 and has assembled 193,634 labelled wheat heads from 4,700 RGB images acquired from various acquisition platforms and 7 countries/institutions. With an associated competition hosted in Kaggle, GWHD has successfully attracted attention from both the computer vision and agricultural science communities. From this first experience in 2020, a few avenues for improvements have been identified, especially from the perspective of data size, head diversity and label reliability. To address these issues, the 2020 dataset has been reexamined, relabeled, and augmented by adding 1,722 images from 5 additional countries, allowing for 81,553 additional wheat heads to be added. We now release a new version of the Global Wheat Head Detection (GWHD) dataset in 2021, which is bigger, more diverse, and less noisy than the 2020 version. The GWHD 2021 is now publicly available at this http URL and a new data challenge has been organized on AIcrowd to make use of this updated dataset.

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