Official round: Completed
LifeCLEF 2020 Bird - Monophone
Recognizing bird sounds in monophone soundscapes
0About the LifeCLEF 2020 Bird - Monophone category By mohanty About 5 years ago1
0What is rmap By david_chen Over 4 years ago1
0A little thought about model By igo312 Over 4 years ago1
2Second round and public leaderboard By kahst Over 4 years ago3
0Large discrepancy between validation and test scores By mmuehling Over 4 years ago3
1Official Results By kahst Over 4 years ago1
0Confirmation of submission By mmuehling Over 4 years ago3
0Submission file failed By cnbotk Over 4 years ago4
2Final countdown By kahst Over 4 years ago7
0Test data available By kahst Almost 5 years ago4
0Using the taxonomy as external training data By kahst Over 4 years ago1
0The latest state of art for the bclef 2019 By aymane Over 4 years ago4
0Submission format BirdCLEF 2020 By IT_KMITL_ICBIZ Almost 5 years ago2
2Deadline extension until June 5th By kahst Almost 5 years ago3
4When is the Deadline Date? By thailsson_clementino Almost 5 years ago5
0Why no baseline By ValAn Almost 5 years ago2
2Someone scored perfect score 1.0 the first day test data was published By ValAn Almost 5 years ago2
1Dose anyone have idea about why ClassID and Species are different? By igo312 Almost 5 years ago2
1Have the dataset files been released? By Summer Almost 5 years ago8