0💬 Welcome to KDD Cup 2024: CRAG Comprehensive RAG Benchmark Challenge By aicrowd-bot 10 months ago5
8Final Evaluation Process & Team Scores By snehananavati 5 months ago4
2🏆 Meta CRAG Challenge 2024 Winners Announcement By snehananavati 5 months ago2
0Could Someone Give me Guidance on Approaching Data Quality Issues in Machine Learning Competitions? By clausesalvatorr 5 months ago1
6Has the Winner Notification already been sent? By ryo2 5 months ago10
0Is there an estimate for when the due diligence will be done? By mitchelldehaven 5 months ago1
4It's time update Private leadboard? By yong_deng 5 months ago2
5‼️ ⏰ Select Submission ID before 20th June, 2024 23:55 UTC By snehananavati 6 months ago10
0✨ Check out the KG Baseline By snehananavati 6 months ago4
2Who can share the high score code? i share the baseline rank14 By guoxinian 6 months ago1
1When can we expect to receive the final results? The 15th of July is too late By yong_deng 6 months ago2
1⏰ Deadline Extended for Submission Selection Form (June 22nd 12:00 UTC) By snehananavati 6 months ago1
1How exactly is the number of submissions counted ten times a week? By Yrr 6 months ago6
0Is the mock api up-to-date during evaluation? By chenyuan_wu 6 months ago1
2Is this submission ID? By Barianc 6 months ago3
0Will submissions be allowed to finish beyond deadline? By mitchelldehaven 6 months ago4
0Submission Fail due to Private Test: Evaluation timed out 😢 By wufanyou 6 months ago3
1Evaluation Progress finished, but label is still "evaluation_initiated" By GodFire 6 months ago2
0Submission Limit By mistofeng 6 months ago2
0Did somebody try deploy three llama3-8b on four T4? By Barianc 6 months ago4
0Can we submit solution that has not been tested in the online By wufanyou 6 months ago1
0Submission failed without useful information in logs By Barianc 6 months ago2
2Client Failed By saidinesh_pola 6 months ago7
0How to use Mock API in submission By kumakuma 6 months ago4
0Can you download the Task 3 files By vivek_kaul2 6 months ago1
1I would like to ask whether the dev website and the online test website are the same? By guoxinian 6 months ago1
0Failed to communicate with the grader By HiImRyo 6 months ago2
0Whether the task test phase can link to the Internet By Sunhb 7 months ago5